Friday, August 27, 2010

Funny Invitation Message For Wedding

festive experience by the Veterans' Birramania "ambled back into the rehearsal room to enjoy the heat and mosquitoes. In the meantime, we update the photo album with some shots of Marà Tona, thanking those responsible ..

Margiuello Thanks!

also a short video and photos of the tsunami and the beer festival .. wait!

Ps .. A date to be the "Valley Electric, we do not know a blessed bat, so to speak.

From Marà Tona
From Marà Tona
From Tona Marà

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Can Ovarian Cysts Cause Fatigue


magnitude higher. And
favorable impressions.
and strong sensations. The tsunami
Festival has given us so much and we hope that they were to return at all. A fantastic result, a helpful staff and a stage to plow living it note for note.

But the tsunami was not just music for us, we had the opportunity to compare our ideas, and why not share them, criticizing them together with other bands.

the TSC under a white tent. Crackers crisps and cola rice salad look at us in plastic roof that soaked in rain. The damn rain.
We are not alone in the makeshift shelter, the stage was dismantled due to inclement weather still with us and the Capitoline Indie Boys Are Hot for Girls , sitting at the table of groceries, the chatter about this and that, cursing Jupiter Pluvio.
A look of understanding and does not take much to swear eternal silence. The bag of potato chips is torn, the bottle of dried coca cola (the beer kegs were not connected, it seemed obvious to me make that clear) and start to talk about this and that with colleagues already "Underground Rock 2010 ".
We laugh, we talk, we suffer together and cursed the weather but eventually the check comes. And with it the concert.
also sought Nimiz 69 you do live around an unspecified time and after they reach our performance.
Nothing to say, no comment, all the better. Like when you eat from her grandmother.

All good.

Ps. For those who have pictures, video, or other stone carvings on the tsunami let us know!

Furthermore, we expect to Spinetoli August 20 for "Valley Electric." We will give you details very soon.

Pps. We also hope in a Roman trafertona the parties to the boys of IBAFHG ...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Can You Wax A Tattoo?


Hello people!
is expected in August for the Society caliente!
We opened the month on Sunday with a live at Mara Tona Festival of Cupra Marittima. Our performance, though prepared at the last moment, was rich and engaging (not to brag ... but the few 50's to present almost have been victims of hip dislocation due to dance!), In a really nice location (the pine forest north of the waterfront Cupra). Excellent service and much, much smoke!
The month continues with the prince of our summer event, the tsunami Festival in San Benedetto, Friday 6. Will be short, but it will be intense.
Rumour has it that there will be another festival which will be attended, this time in the Valley, but is yet to be confirmed.
E 'instead secure our participation in the Beer Festival at Villa Pigna Folignano of the 26 ... we are not specialists in village feasts and festivals, but since there is the beer will gladly make an exception and give the best us!
And if we will run away to some other date in August, there certainly tireremmo back ...
soon with reports!