Saturday, April 10, 2010

Things To Write In A Wedding Card To Sister

Show "Stars and particles, the Words of the Universe" , from March 18th to 11th July '10, City of Science - Naples

Four centuries ago, Galileo was aiming for the first time his telescope to the sky and changed forever the way we view the Universe. No one could have predicted then the extraordinary evolution of our ability to searching the depths of the cosmos and to interpret the messages, tools and methods more sensitive and refined. At the international celebration of that scientific revolutionary gesture - 2009, International Year of Astronomy and Galileo - the Special Palexpo, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, National Institute for Astrophysics and the Italian Space Agency are at the Fondazione IDIS - City Science a major exhibition that tells the science, the men and the great experiments that study the universe today. On display you will find telescopes and cosmic radiation detectors, housed in the most extreme environments on the planet to decipher and interpret the words of the universe: light and elementary particles that constantly come to us, echoes of distant events, which occurred at unimaginable distances and times . These signals are detected with experiments located in the deep in the bowels of the mountains, the highest in the highlands of the planet or in vast deserts. And beyond, in space, where sophisticated observatories orbiting the Earth pointing their eyes to the depths of the cosmos.
for info and reservations:


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