Monday, May 31, 2010

What To Write On A Wedding Present

Press Conference "Med Cruise Fraternity" Msc Fantasia on May 31 '10 - Port of Naples

was held today, on board MSC Fantasia in the port of Naples, the press conference the cruise theme Fraternity Med Cruise 2010 that held aboard MSC Magnifica 13 to 20 June 2010. The route touches Greece, Turkey and Croatia departing from the port of Bari and stops in Katakolon, Izmir, Istanbul, Dubrovnik, Venice and then back in Bari. The third edition of "Fraternity : Long live life, live Sport ", which is part of the Fraternity Med Cruise 2010 is dedicated to the European Capital of Culture . This is a project of social utility, organized by the Europe 2000, Fate & Witches and Association Twenty-three, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Naples Agripromos agencies, and Proteus Comtur Coldiretti Campania, Romaneapolis, Italian Committee for Fair Play, the Regional Committee CONI, Wizzair, provincial and municipal authorities in cooperation with MSC Cruises. The event aims to promote fair trade, sport, art and culture and promote products made in Italy of excellence in all countries of the Mediterranean MSC Magnifica will touch not only during the summer but also during the winter months. During the Fraternity Med Cruise 2010 will be launched various initiatives to promote the craft, enogastronomy and typical products from Campania and will take place meetings with the delegations in Istanbul, Venice and Bari Guests can also attend meetings, conferences and workshops on topics of art, culture, traditions and sports. The season will end during the 2010 Fraternity Meeting of Ischia to be held 20 to 24 June 2010. " MSC Cruises has decided to support this year Fraternity 2010 because he shares the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and the intercultural exchange on which the philosophy of this event, said Francesco Manco, Area Manager South Italy's MSC Cruises . " Events like this allow us to create an important link between land, travel and traditions to meet the varied interests of our tourists. " MSC Magnifica is the latest in home MSC Cruises launched last March 6 in Hamburg, was built with the lines of Class Music: has a length of 293.8 meters , a height of 55.65 feet, a tonnage of 93,330 tons and can accommodate up to 3,010 guests . Relaxation, entertainment, elegance and class mark of all the spaces of the new ship, designed with quality materials, interiors, and treated in detail. On board, passengers will find 17 themed bars and lounges, including the Sporting bar with a pool table and even stabilized a theater with 1,240 seats, a 4D cinema, bowling, the MSC Aurea Spa wellbeing center and four swimming pools, one with sliding glass roof.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

How Much To Respray Moped

Cultural Encounter "Music in Art and Painting," June 3 '10 at the Art Institute "De Luca PA" Avellino

Music has always been one of the arts that has most influenced culture, from literature to philosophy to art up. This ancient discipline has its roots already prehistoric era, to evolve gradually over the centuries, culminating in the Romantic period until you get to this day. Its history and its links with art and painting will be discussed at the meeting entitled "The Music in Art and Painting," which will be held at the Institute Public Art "PA De Luca" di Avellino Thursday morning from 9.30. Organized by the Institute quoted in agreement with the Lions Avellino and Montevergine Public Library, the meeting will discuss mainly the development and influence of this art sublime in the Golden Age, by analyzing its its importance in the disciplines mentioned above, the art, philosophy, history and literature. The work will be opened by the Dean of prof. John Sasso and Dr. Sirignano Alessandro, president of Lions Club of Avellino. Intervene as speakers the Professor Joan Nicodemi , the the prof. Alessandro Crust and Prof. Emilia Pati . The cultural encounter, moderated by David Andrea Cardin father, will be concluded by prof. Francesco De Gruttola , director of area 15 ^, by Professor Maricetta Sanfilippo Hope President of District VI and by ^ ' Chambers. prof. Victor Del Vecchio Governor Distretto108-YA - Lions.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yarn Trading In Ichalkaranji

Study Day on "Francesco Guarino da Solofra, June 8 '10 - former Bourbon Prison Complex - Avellino (AV)

Tuesday, June 8, at the former Bourbon Prison of Avellino, there will be an intense Study Day on "Francesco Guarino: History, Images and Encounters of a Painter Irpino of the seventeenth century ". Sponsored by the Provincial Departments of Culture and Tourism of Avellino, the meeting celebrates the work of Francesco Guarino da Solofra, one of the greatest painters of the Southern '600. The idea is to maintain a consistent focus on the painter Solofra until 2011, when, with the anniversary of the fourth centenary of his birth, we will organize a solo exhibition designed to show the uniqueness and the uniqueness of his work. "A meeting important not only for the Irpinia region but for the entire - Giovanna Nicodemi stresses, the organizer of the meeting - to celebrate a painter in a historical moment characterized by light and darkness, misery and nobility, pomp and Misdemeanors, modern scientific and philosophical speculation and widespread expressions of popular religion with extremes of fanaticism and superstition, has contributed to a page of the history of Italian Art " . At Study Day, which will be divided into two sessions, speakers include: Richard Lattuada, Professor of Modern History at the Second University of Naples; Mario Alberto Pavone , Professor of Modern History at the University of Salerno; Mimma Pasculli , Professor of Modern History at the University of Bari; Antonio Braca, the Superintendent of BSAE Salerno-Avellino; Vega De Martini, the Superintendent of BAAAS Caserta-Benevento. To mark the occasion will be presented two new paintings by Solofra discovered by Dr. Maria Cristina Giannattasio and Simona Carotenuto.

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Musical" dominate the TV, "May 29 '10 at the Montessori Institute - Somma (NA) Presentation of the Book of

Saturday 29, at the Montessori Institute of Sum, will be held on musical "Domain Television." The event acts as closure cycle of cultural and artistic activities sv we select during the academic year on TV, the medium more invasive in the world, c on the momentum of steady flow, with its dependence Catturani irreversible especially those less reducing in videodependence. "Certainly - says the head teacher Alessandro Scognamiglio - the TV is not considered to be more like the monster that terrorizes and wants to overwhelm the personality proud of the boys, playing down the acculturation, lowering the critical spirit and inducing liabilities and psychological dependence. However, it is a medium that does not stop if mine re negative influences that affect the more vulnerable and at risk for psychological fragility, biological and emotional. Today we also recognize its merits, when considered in pedagogical perspective. Along with the computer, if properly used, the two electronic tools can be very useful, even if they are not "junk". We are not the days of Edgar Morin in 1962 when he wrote that, in contrast to classical culture and the national one, bursts in the universe of knowledge, a third culture, the so-called mass culture (that is conveyed through television, radio, cinema , newspapers, etc..), because industrially manufactured and disseminated by the media and because it faces not just the selected recipients, but the universe of consumers. was then opposed by the intellectual class who saw it as a subculture. was rejected by the school because they knew it was mine has matrix of the process of acculturation and degradation factor detrimental to the prestige of teachers who thought they were mine cciati in their traditional conservative prime function of the authentic culture. Began to be pointed out as the fallen nobility, while resisting the stronghold of the school. But at the inexorable evolution has come to reduce the stiffness of the traditionalist conservatives, former advocates of classical culture to the bitter end. We are now submitted in the knowledge society, information and communication iconic. The pressure of technological discoveries and electronic equipment is even causing the loss of the monopoly previously held the school culture unquestionably the only manual or textbook, found the only benefit of reference to learn the knowledge. will be the youngest in kindergarten and the children of the first cycle of education to tell the rest, with musical revealing the secret of how to reconcile and integrate the culture guttemberghiana with the innovative new technologies, Where? Just at that broad local purpose built and equipped technically, we call 'media auditorium' .

Friday, May 14, 2010

Actress Panty Showing

Stanagliò "Thank you. That's why we would be lost without immigrants ", May 16 '10, Palazzo Medici - Ottaviano (NA)

Sunday, at 18, in the Palazzo Medici Ottaviano, the Foundation Award Cimitile ", the project meets the Territory literature, presenting the book: Thank you. That's why we would be lost without immigrants. An opportunity for synergy between the spread of wealth and literary imagination and activities to promote the area through presentations of books. Speakers: Mario Iervolino , Mayor Ottaviano, Ciro Tower, Department of Culture of Octavian; Felice Napolitano, president of the Foundation Award Cimitile; Liliana Borriello, president of the Archeo Club Octavian; Noemi Nappi, coordinator of the immigration service of Caritas Nola ; Staglianò Richard, author of the book. Coordinate the meeting Ermanno Corsi, director dell'Odg Campania.

Monday, May 10, 2010

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XII Edition Award" Capo D'Orlando, May 12 '10 at Castle Giusso Vico Equense (NA)

Launch of the twelfth edition of Capo d'Orlando Prize . Back to the traditional appointment with the science at the NTERNATIONAL. the Mineralogical Museum of Campania Disciple Foundation organized the twelfth edition of the scientific award for delivery of various awards in the historic Castle Giusso. The opening session will be held Wednesday at 18 hours, at a public event organized in collaboration with the municipality of Vico Equense and sponsored by the University "Federico II" of Naples. This conference will concentrate on operations and the winners of the various sections. The debate will be moderated by Pierre Odifreddi , mathematician and writer. For the '10 edition of the scientific prize will be awarded to Professor . Tim Hunt (pictured ) , Nobel Prize Medicine in 2001, the author of the discovery of cyclins, key protein regulating the cell cycle, one of the greatest scientists engaged in cancer research. Other prizes will be awarded to Professor . Paolo Galluzzi, director of the Museum "Galileo" in Florence and organizer of major scientific and cultural events, the prof. Andrea Ballabio , renowned researcher and director of Tigem of Naples, Donatella Bianchi , author and host of the "Blue Line" on Rai Uno, and Enrica Battifoglia , responsible for drawing science news agency Ansa. "The Prize Capo d'Orlando in addition to being a very important appointment with science - say Matteo De Simone, Head of Tourism and Raffaele Esposito, Department of Culture - is an opportunity to introduce our area to major national and international levels. It has, in fact, in his Hall of Fame players in the world-renowned scientists such as Nobel laureates, John F. Nash, Riccardo Giacconi, Harold W. Kroto, Paul J. Crutzen, James D. Watson . It 'called the town of Vico Equense, where in the nineteenth century. were found in the Cretaceous fossil fishes now exhibited in various European museums. '07 Award as the honorary chairman has the prof. Richard Giacconi, Nobel Laureate in Physics. In addition, this edition can also count on the patronage, as well as the City Council and Tourism Company of Vico Equense and Industry Museums and Libraries of Campania Region, by the municipality of Capo d'Orlando (Me), where a delegation will part in the event the city's cultural equana.

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"Cruise Musica Napoletana: MSC Cruises marries ethnic music, May 10 '10 - Costa Cruises promotes

This morning, aboard the MSC Fantasia, the MSC Cruises presented at the press conference, a "Napoletana Music Cruise" which will start on October 10 from Bari MSC Magnifica for beautiful a cruise for 8 days / 7 nights, that will touch Katakolon, Izmir, Istanbul, Dubrovnik, Venice and then finish in Bari October 17. These (all Neapolitan DOC), have traced for the occasion the history of song and Neapolitan culture deepening and living out the features that make it unique and inimitable. Present the creator of the event Francesco Spinosa, president of the Provincial Council of Naples Luigi Rispoli, the ' Area Manager South of Italy Francesco Manco MSC Cruises , journalist and writer Ermanno Corsi, the historian of Neapolitan song Aldo De Gioia and painter and set designer Carlo Postiglione . Moderator, journalist Amedeo Finizio . The "Cruise of the Neapolitan Music" aims to raise awareness guests on board the tradition of Neapolitan song: the journey s the meetings held with industry experts as the same De Gioia and Postiglione and speckles singer Manuel Franco, with its wealth of great knowledge of Neapolitan songs. In the theater of the vessel will perform, also singers who will play the most famous Neapolitan songs. Two very famous masks will cheer the guests of MSC Magnifica, giving color to a canvas with interludes based on the history of the Neapolitan theater: Rino Napolitano in the role of Pulcinella and Luisa Acanfora in those Columbine. Among the singers present : Antonello Rondi, Lucia Cassini Francesca Marini. " Again - said Francesco Manco - strengthen the relationship with the local culture, supporting initiatives that promote historical and cultural nature of tourism in the city of Naples at an international level. This event, In fact, we can not only confirm the strong link with the capital of Campania, but also foster valuable trade with countries affected during the cruise for a quality cultural tourism. " MSC Magnifica is the latest in home MSC Cruises launched last March 6 in Hamburg, was built with the lines of Class Music: has a length of 293 and a 'height about 56 feet, a tonnage of 93,330 tons and can accommodate up to 3,010 guests. Relaxation, entertainment, elegance and class mark of all the spaces of the new ship, designed with quality materials, interiors, and treated in detail. On board, passengers will find 17 themed bars and lounges, including the Sports Bar with a pool table and even a theater stabilized by 1,240 seats, a 4D cinema, bowling, the MSC Aurea Spa wellbeing center and four swimming pools, one with sliding glass roof.

MSC Cruises currently possesses the most modern fleet in the world with eleven ships: MSC Magnifica , newcomer, MSC Fantasia and MSC Splendida, the vessels more large ever built by a European ship, MSC Poesia, MSC Orchestra, MSC Musica, MSC Sinfonia, MSC Armonia, MSC Opera, MSC Lirica, MSC Melody, sailing all year in the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean , North and South America, Indian Ocean and South Africa. MSC Cruises is the only company to receive the '6 Golden Pearls' from the Bureau Veritas in recognition of its high level of quality management and environmental protection, and got the double certification ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 for management systems quality and food safety on all aspects of catering, both on land and on board. MSC Cruises also has a heart welfare of children, and as a responsible market leader, believes in activities that create positive impact in the regions where it operates. For this reason, the Company has partnered with UNICEF to fund a community project aimed at training the children of Brazil in need.

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New dates for the Company!
on the right sidebar you will find time and location of upcoming concerts.
For the moment we are waiting for Saturday, May 15 at the Black Rock Poggio di Bretta (AP) at 22:30.
Admission is free and the band is full. Guinness and rock at will.

We look forward to.