Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Usi Motherboard Driver

Musical" dominate the TV, "May 29 '10 at the Montessori Institute - Somma (NA) Presentation of the Book of

Saturday 29, at the Montessori Institute of Sum, will be held on musical "Domain Television." The event acts as closure cycle of cultural and artistic activities sv we select during the academic year on TV, the medium more invasive in the world, c on the momentum of steady flow, with its dependence Catturani irreversible especially those less reducing in videodependence. "Certainly - says the head teacher Alessandro Scognamiglio - the TV is not considered to be more like the monster that terrorizes and wants to overwhelm the personality proud of the boys, playing down the acculturation, lowering the critical spirit and inducing liabilities and psychological dependence. However, it is a medium that does not stop if mine re negative influences that affect the more vulnerable and at risk for psychological fragility, biological and emotional. Today we also recognize its merits, when considered in pedagogical perspective. Along with the computer, if properly used, the two electronic tools can be very useful, even if they are not "junk". We are not the days of Edgar Morin in 1962 when he wrote that, in contrast to classical culture and the national one, bursts in the universe of knowledge, a third culture, the so-called mass culture (that is conveyed through television, radio, cinema , newspapers, etc..), because industrially manufactured and disseminated by the media and because it faces not just the selected recipients, but the universe of consumers. was then opposed by the intellectual class who saw it as a subculture. was rejected by the school because they knew it was mine has matrix of the process of acculturation and degradation factor detrimental to the prestige of teachers who thought they were mine cciati in their traditional conservative prime function of the authentic culture. Began to be pointed out as the fallen nobility, while resisting the stronghold of the school. But at the inexorable evolution has come to reduce the stiffness of the traditionalist conservatives, former advocates of classical culture to the bitter end. We are now submitted in the knowledge society, information and communication iconic. The pressure of technological discoveries and electronic equipment is even causing the loss of the monopoly previously held the school culture unquestionably the only manual or textbook, found the only benefit of reference to learn the knowledge. will be the youngest in kindergarten and the children of the first cycle of education to tell the rest, with musical revealing the secret of how to reconcile and integrate the culture guttemberghiana with the innovative new technologies, Where? Just at that broad local purpose built and equipped technically, we call 'media auditorium' .


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