Thursday, June 10, 2010

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great success for the conference on Francesco Guarino, June 8, 2010 - Former Bourbon Prison (AV) MSc

great success for the Study Day on Solofra painter Francesco Guarino, held the day before yesterday at the former prison Bourbon Avellino. In line with the latest regional events that see the rebirth of interest in the Baroque, the event made it possible to rediscover the art of painting Guarino, one of the leaders of the Southern '600. The meeting was attended by academics and historians as Riccardo Lattuada, Mario Alberto Pavone, Mimma Pasculli, Braca and Antonio Vega De Martini, we tried to take stock of knowledge about the painter, in view of the fourth Solofra centenary of his birth. Several topics discussed were: the new findings of his work relations with Angelo and Francesco Solimena, its fortunes between the Irpinia and the recoveries of Puglia restoration after the earthquake eighty. The meeting was open to other famous directors, such as Luca Giordano and Mattia Preti, famous enactment of the most exquisite climate Neapolitan Baroque painting up to mention the benefits of smaller painters, often anonymous, but they still managed to contribute to spread or if you prefer to translate in the provincial framework, the achievements of the best baroque season. "The Irpinia - Cosimo Sibilia said (pictured) , president of the province of Avellino - is a fertile, generous and full of history, art, culture and creativity. The intention is to introduce ages of importance to the citizens what we have in our province and enhancing tourism opportunities full. " A path of development and study, therefore, to increase the attractiveness of cultural tourism in the province towards the Irpinia, " a promotion policy - said Giovanna Nicodemi curator of the Study Day - that with a greater synergy between the institutions , associations and entrepreneurship will take us very far. Guarino of promoting art and the creation of one of his solo exhibition in 2011, I am sure that our land will have all the requirements to become a full member in the international circuit cultural tourism. " Along the same lines from art historian Mario Alberto Pavone (pictured) , who have tended to emphasize that "we continue to organize exhibitions, seminars and many other events on Caravaggio when in fact it would be fair value minor painters who, like Guarino, deserve to be known by the general public as to their artistic productions have contributed greatly to the development of pictorial Italian ".


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