Thursday, November 18, 2010

Acoustic Poem Generator

Saturday, November 20, at 15, for expression of solidarity with migrants

residence permit for immigrants and immigrant
who live and work in Italy

In September 2009 the government issued a decree that allows the emergence of the black labor only for Maid or Nanny. All other employees not eligible to apply.
This has meant that many immigrants were other kinds of work (bricklayers, carpenters, laborers, etc.) were not able to access this amnesty.
These workers have fallen into the clutches of the underworld. Many scams have been real organized.


We urge the government to be able to have a residence permit that allows us to search jobs get out of the "illegal immigration" and to have not only the rights that every citizen but also doveri.Per this event we will

Saturday, November 20 at 15:00
departure from the garrison in the tower via Imbonati (height civ 49)

1) issuance of residence permits for those who suffered the "amnesty scam"
2) extension of residence permits for those who lost their jobs;
3) issue the permit for those who report the employer in black or exploitation in the workplace;
4) enactment of a law that guarantees the right of asylum;
5) recognition of the right to vote if you live in Italy for at least 5 years;
6) recognition of citizenship for those born or raised in Italy.

Plan Committee Immigrants in Milan

Names For A Cultural Fest

Paolo Ferrero (17:11:10) - A video letter NICHI VENDOLA

Why Do You Serve In The Army?

the breach of Pisapia! EVENTS

"A clear victory against the mediations centrist "
Paolo Ferrero

Today we celebrate the victory in the primaries Giuliano Pisapia of Milan. A clear victory that speaks of a people that has grown weary of the left mediations centrist. A victory made possible by the unity of the left. Pisapia it was supported not only by numerous forces of civil society, the Federation of the Left and Select A large part of the media pretends not to see this information but the reality is unmistakable. The victory of the Boers on Pisapia was only possible by mobilizing all the forces of the left and the Federation of the Left, which is the power with the largest local roots, was crucial to this result.

That Milan is in the primary and then winning the support of the credibility of Giuliano and compact united left. From here, the first indication politics propose to SEL to present a unified list of the municipal Milan. We have supported the same candidate and we won, why not make a single list that you should aim to respond to that desire to the left that has emerged in the primaries? The result of Pisapia - and Onida - tell us about a real political crisis in PD. The best way to have a positive impact on this crisis is precisely to provide an outlet to the left, with a united left.

Just as, out of the great swamp of national political crisis, we propose the forces that participated in the event of October 16 to build a joint program with which to open a discussion with the center-left. We propose to build this program from the left platform of the Fiom we all share. The fight against insecurity, for the protection of collective bargaining agreements for the redistribution of income, environmental economics for the conversion to public water, against the war in Afghanistan are points on which to build shared. Let's do it and give continuity to the mobilization of 16 and committed ourselves to support those positions on which hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets.

Primaries in Milan but also tell us something else. The stake was not only lower than expected but also in primary made to choose the secretary of the PD. A quarter of the votes in less concentrated in the suburbs, in the popular districts. This data tells us about the crisis of politics, that the theater that has reduced the policy is seen by our people less and less as the soil through which change for the better their social status. In this context it would be ridiculous for us to think of recovering this gap between the working class and politics only through united action, although necessary. Should be put at the center - as in all of Italy in Milan - the work of mobilization and social organization. We must build struggles, committees, mobilization for a general strike.

should build social partners on the whole territory. Only if we will not leave anyone alone in this crisis, we can lay the foundation for rebuilding trust in our political action and the possibility of changing the present state of things. The political crisis is not resolved by the delegation to charismatic leaders, but with the resumption of mass subjectivity that gives meaning and force to a robust conception of democracy.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blood Test Glucose 5.2

The Archaeological Museum di Bisaccia opens its doors to the tournament, "the mysterious" 10 November 2010

Who has not dreamed of go in search of missing treasures and dress, at least for a day, the shoes of the legendary Indiana Jones or enterprising Ben Gates? For many lovers of art, archeology and adventure, the dream continues to happen with the tournament " the mysterious " promoted by the government in agreement with RAI, the 'Regional Superintendents and School Office in order to promote and enhance the many artistic and archaeological sites in Campania.
Of course, you do not like going in search of the Lost Ark, the Holy Grail or the treasure of the Templars - they willingly leave the risky adventures to Harrison Ford and Nicolas Cage - but the game, which is divided into a series of treasure hunts, is equally as intriguing is to identify a work of art or an archaeological find from a number of details published every Wednesday afternoon, in the cultural portal of Campania ( http://www.culturacampania.rai . com / ) and related to as many works of art found in five places, one for each province. This week the game will bear many competitors - mostly students - including the Archaeological Museum in Bisaccia, this charming ground floor of the ducal castle, built by the Lombards in the second half of the eighth century. Obviously, the questions of the game are formulated so that, in principle, you can not answer by consulting books, catalogs and the Internet, but actually visiting the sites reported weekly. Among these, of course, the Museum of Bisaccia, which is divided into a chronological exhibition along which they are exposed pottery and personal ornaments dating from the Iron Age, pots of dough, clay and figulina of bronze of great value, imported from the Etruscans, and the most significant findings obtained by the Hill Old Cemetery, where they were brought to light a vast necropolis, dating from the ninth century BC, and an area of \u200b\u200bsettlement (VI and fifth centuries BC) that overlaps . And it is precisely among these historical Irpinia evidence that competitors are invited to one of five mysterious works of the week. "We are very proud - says the managing director of the museum, Pasquale Gallicchio - that Rai and the region have chosen our museum for this very important initiative. It will be an opportunity to show the beauty of our museum, which has received the recognition of regional interest and of the ducal castle. An event that anticipates the opening of the new exhibition hall which will be located in more than 50 exhibits very interesting. We work to raise the cultural role of our country and Alta Irpinia. I think we're doing a good job. "The hunt will begin today at 17 and will close on Monday morning. Participants in the tournament, after visiting the museum, notify the results online, stating the title, the 'author, any missing details and, if present, the number of inventory work. Participants will also take pictures or shoot with the camera key stages of the hunt. The most significant pictures and video will be posted on the Portal of Culture. The citizen or student - individual or team - which will have the most points in the week, will receive a collection of fifteen plays DVDs, documentaries, history and fiction inspired by the classics of world literature. The tournament, which provides for another week of games will be won, however, who will get the highest score. As a reward ten DVD series about fiction and cultural documentaries.

Friday, November 5, 2010

How Long Does It Take An Enema To Work

WEDNESDAY 'November 10, 2010
Corso Porta Vittoria, 43 (Hall of Victory)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wedding Invitations Merchandiser

Podesta immediately suspend the order

CHAINS OF DUTY ON BOARD: MEASURE GRAVER absurd that 'pockets of commuters

by the group for a provincial 'other ProvinciaPrc PDCI-

Milan, November 3, 2010. The parent company in the Province of Milan for another province List civic-PRC-PdCI, Massimo Gatti, today introduced in the province, an urgent question to the President of the Province and the provincial roads by Alderman subject: "Order of ' October 11, 2010 for the use of winter tires or chains on the roads. "

"What would the Councillor and Mayor De Nicola is a totally useless measure which will result in an increase of costs for motorists, commuters and for workers and small / medium-sized enterprises in the province of Milan, already suffering the effects of the crisis. - Said Massimo Gatti - For road safety would be much more effective a measure prohibiting the use of private vehicles on specified days of the week or at certain times of planned and announced well in advance, simultaneously encouraging the local public transport.

In this sense, I asked Podesta to suspend the order which requires chains on board or use of snow tires and lead the debate in committee on transport and mobility. I asked the President, also, if you calculated the economic impact of the ordinance on motorists on women workers and commuters and small / medium-sized enterprises in the province of Milan, and the players from other provinces that are driven on roads.

To date, moreover, the prevention of risks arising from the formation of ice and snow, was not activated no coordination between neighboring provinces, starting with those of Bergamo and Monza-Brianza, I asked then Mayor to convene urgently a table of institutions involving the neighboring provinces and the capital with the City of Milan, to avoid a situation of extreme confusion "

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Draught Exluder Pattern

1st Congress of the Federation of the Left

Wednesday, November 3 at 21
Cusano Milanino
at Circolino, Via Adige 22
1st Congress of the Federation of the Left
Bresso, Cusano, Cormack, Paderno

HERE pre read the congressional

Road outlined the construction of the Federation as a political pole independent of the left constructed from social conflict, the offensive unit to build a left alternative to the proposal of the Democratic Front for the right beat and overcome the bipolar combined with the unavailability of an agreement governing body, are the three cornerstones of conference document.
A proposal that combines political autonomy and the need to beat Berlusconi to overcome the bipolar system and the Second Republic.

Wednesday, November 3 will be held the first inter-Congress of the Federation of the Left, the aim is to build, starting from the territories, a process that aims to unify the various forces of the left who independently refer to an objective of change and an alternative society, placed its focus on the work and rights.

Refounded Communist Party - Party of Italian Communists - Lista Civica "Another Province" - Work and Society - Socialism 2000