Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wedding Invitations Merchandiser

Podesta immediately suspend the order

CHAINS OF DUTY ON BOARD: MEASURE GRAVER absurd that 'pockets of commuters

by the group for a provincial 'other ProvinciaPrc PDCI-

Milan, November 3, 2010. The parent company in the Province of Milan for another province List civic-PRC-PdCI, Massimo Gatti, today introduced in the province, an urgent question to the President of the Province and the provincial roads by Alderman subject: "Order of ' October 11, 2010 for the use of winter tires or chains on the roads. "

"What would the Councillor and Mayor De Nicola is a totally useless measure which will result in an increase of costs for motorists, commuters and for workers and small / medium-sized enterprises in the province of Milan, already suffering the effects of the crisis. - Said Massimo Gatti - For road safety would be much more effective a measure prohibiting the use of private vehicles on specified days of the week or at certain times of planned and announced well in advance, simultaneously encouraging the local public transport.

In this sense, I asked Podesta to suspend the order which requires chains on board or use of snow tires and lead the debate in committee on transport and mobility. I asked the President, also, if you calculated the economic impact of the ordinance on motorists on women workers and commuters and small / medium-sized enterprises in the province of Milan, and the players from other provinces that are driven on roads.

To date, moreover, the prevention of risks arising from the formation of ice and snow, was not activated no coordination between neighboring provinces, starting with those of Bergamo and Monza-Brianza, I asked then Mayor to convene urgently a table of institutions involving the neighboring provinces and the capital with the City of Milan, to avoid a situation of extreme confusion "


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