Monday, July 26, 2010

Headache Bridge Of Nose

No Heliport Committee: Delivery in the Region of 10,000 signatures against the heliport in the North Park Public Water

No Heliport Committee
Pass region in the 10,000 signatures against the heliport in the North Park

No Helipad A delegation of the Committee, has delivered into the hands of the Regional Infrastructure and the mobility Raffaele Cattaneo collected more than 10,000 signatures against the project, shared by the Region, to build the park in the North, the base of operations and logistics of a system that affects the whole eliportuale northern Italy.

project that we still remember, would lead to hundreds of daily flights over our heads, thousands of cubic meters of concrete spilled in the middle of North Park, with devastating consequences in terms of environmental impact, noise and safety (the park is set in an urban area populated by more than 350,000 citizens). All this for an achievement, which will be a deal worth hundreds of millions of Euros for manufacturers of helicopters (Augusta Westland) and infrastructure (Technimont) and their political godfathers (Formigoni and CL). All this for an achievement that will benefit a minority that can move by helicopter to the detriment of all communities residing in the towns bordering the park. The Committee

No Helipad is the result of a strong grassroots mobilization of citizens, associations, political parties, which in recent months have resulted in dozens of public events in all the municipalities concerned, a work of grassroots information in the 10,000 signatures collected are the most tangible element.

The stakes that lead to the realization of the project are very strong, we, the Committee, we were among the promoters and we have agreed from the start, we know that you can save the park only through the mobilization through the active and conscious participation of thousands of concerned citizens. The work done so far, the collected signatures are only the base from which to work that still expected. The mobilization will continue bigger and stronger than what has been until now and we'll be first in line with our full commitment, with one goal can: the withdrawal of the project. No Heliport in North Park!

Communist Party of the PRC
Circle F. Conti - Bresso

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thermocol Is Polystyrene

: Cassation delivered a million 400 thousand signatures

a great achievement, the son of a long struggle, led by the bass, thanks to the determination of thousands of citizens. E 'was really hard, but we can say we have achieved something great. Now we need to best to prepare for the referendum in the belief that I could not get public water.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Translated Songs From English To Bisaya

Lombardy Region and the Government finance the relocation

The region of Lombardy has approved a contract of 2,150 million euro to support the internationalization of SMEs in Lombardy in 2010.

Despite some aid can be shared, however, are also provided incentives for to creation or strengthening of a direct presence in a foreign country. It is, therefore, actual relocation, magati to produce goods which will then be passed off as Made in Italy. At the same time

Indesit Bergamo, having benefited from the eco-incentives and layoffs, hour closed and moved to Caserta to enjoy the benefits laid down in advance of fiscal federalism maneuver.

E 'therefore obvious that PDL and the League, instead of keeping local companies and promote (on the north and south) new industrial policies for new and good work, and finance the transfer of jobs abroad and in the south.

This is the advance of what will happen with the federalism: the war of all against all and especially against labor rights, a decent wage (it is also the story of Pomigliano).

The League which, in conversation, says to defend the North, Made in Italy, and contrasts locations, but agrees in Lombardy and Rome laws that export jobs abroad and in the south.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tiffany Granath With Husband


Inside the festival "Freely, the Left Party" being held at the Park of Canada Cinisello B we indicate this importnate debate in defense of our country from attack speculation that the Lombardy Region is deploying the project to build a heliport in the park north.

Coordinator: Massimiliano Lio

Speakers: Fortunato Zinni, Mayor of Bresso
Daniela Gasparini, Mayor of Cinisello Balsamo Umberto
Bettarini , a member of the Committee Heliport No
Enzo Marchiori, a member of the Committee No Helipad
Massimo Gatti Councillor another province-List Prc-PDCI

Take a look at that in the days of the festival committee will attend a banquet NO heliport, where you can sign the petition against this wicked project.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pier Head Liverpool Cruise Departure Times


We have reached almost half of this summer 2010, and it's time to make point on our "Summer Tour". The summer had begun auspiciously, but the weather, bad luck and more people live out our very limited.
Let's recap: June 21

"European Music Festival" @ SanBenedetto del Tronto area ex Galoppatoio 22.15 -> June 21 storm that has engulfed half in San Benedetto, and live performances of the European Festival Music has been canceled for the second consecutive year

June 27 "Hippie Days" @ Montevecchio Pergola (PU) 10:00 (to be determined)
-> loads and we were ready to play at " Woodstock 2010, but the whole event has been postponed until a later date due to problems of public order (there was talk of 10,000 people, and the prefecture of Pesaro blocked everything because the structure was not normal)

June 28 "Mondial Village @ Ascoli Piceno area square stage at 21:00 -> the only night of the tour is successful. We thank the 20 "brave" that have followed, and we thank the organization for the entire event is managed well (sigh!)

July 10 live @ chalet "" 22.30 -> postponed until a later date

But there is hope to come out something new, even at the last minute.

E 'stage, however, confirmed the highlight of our summer
August 6 "Tsunami Festival @ San Benedetto del Tronto area ex Galoppatoio, 21.30
many Intervene!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

School Rock Streaming

July 8 to 18
Cinisello Balsamo
Park Canada - Via Copernicus

10 days of celebrations organized by the Federation of Milan in collaboration with the PRC Communist circles Prc Bresso, Cinisello B, Cormack, Paderno D, Cusano M, Sesto San Giovanni, Cologno Monzese

free live music, debates, stand , play area for children, restaurants, pubs, video projections World Cup, ballroom dancing:

click HERE to download the full program of the festival

program concerns


For more information visit: