Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tiffany Granath With Husband


Inside the festival "Freely, the Left Party" being held at the Park of Canada Cinisello B we indicate this importnate debate in defense of our country from attack speculation that the Lombardy Region is deploying the project to build a heliport in the park north.

Coordinator: Massimiliano Lio

Speakers: Fortunato Zinni, Mayor of Bresso
Daniela Gasparini, Mayor of Cinisello Balsamo Umberto
Bettarini , a member of the Committee Heliport No
Enzo Marchiori, a member of the Committee No Helipad
Massimo Gatti Councillor another province-List Prc-PDCI

Take a look at that in the days of the festival committee will attend a banquet NO heliport, where you can sign the petition against this wicked project.


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