Sunday, July 18, 2010

Translated Songs From English To Bisaya

Lombardy Region and the Government finance the relocation

The region of Lombardy has approved a contract of 2,150 million euro to support the internationalization of SMEs in Lombardy in 2010.

Despite some aid can be shared, however, are also provided incentives for to creation or strengthening of a direct presence in a foreign country. It is, therefore, actual relocation, magati to produce goods which will then be passed off as Made in Italy. At the same time

Indesit Bergamo, having benefited from the eco-incentives and layoffs, hour closed and moved to Caserta to enjoy the benefits laid down in advance of fiscal federalism maneuver.

E 'therefore obvious that PDL and the League, instead of keeping local companies and promote (on the north and south) new industrial policies for new and good work, and finance the transfer of jobs abroad and in the south.

This is the advance of what will happen with the federalism: the war of all against all and especially against labor rights, a decent wage (it is also the story of Pomigliano).

The League which, in conversation, says to defend the North, Made in Italy, and contrasts locations, but agrees in Lombardy and Rome laws that export jobs abroad and in the south.


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