Monday, October 25, 2010

Write Protect Flash Drive


Sunday, October 24


Yesterday, about 200 people took part in the bike ride opened by NO Heliport Committee, to reiterate that our area does not lend itself to the nth speculation Giuta Formigoni.

Despite the cold and dreary day off, the attendance was good, confirming the fact that citizenship is determined to defend the Park and the health of the territory.
The procession started from the large farm north into the park at 14.30 to go through all the towns bordering the park and end in front of the school via all'complesso Gorkj.

How United Left Bressese we took part enthusiastically to continue to work within the premises of the Committee and appropriate policies for the project to be withdrawn. Rietniamo, moreover, that such initiatives should be continued and that the time has come to intensify our struggle. We will never allow its citizens' health is endangered for political operations like the one speculative Regione Lombardia is s / he tries to implement the construction of the network eliportuale.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Homeopathy Treatment For Lpr


Here we present the document signed by the comrades of the Left and Communist Refoundation Ecology and Freedom, which launched the birth of the United Left Bressese . What is proposed is a political project of local, open, and innovative, which aims to give an address unit and leftist policies related to our territory.

The world needs the "Left". In recent years it has taken a body system human and economic relationships more and more focused on manufacturing and the financial logic on a global scale to facilitate the processes of accumulation of income and capital on a few power centers, scaling the legitimate powers of the States and the democratic control, generating new and stubborn inequalities.

A sort of unique thought, insensitive to any attempt at critical appraisal and all, though, mild dissent, has invaded the collective consciousness, inducing inertial attitude of resignation.

Our country, our city, are no exception, although in the social body can be glimpsed and move forces and impulses that still leave hope for "another world possible."

So what?

First you have to start from a principle of reality: in this phase of our history, the Left is culturally minority and must seek a new direction, a new language and a new identity in order to contribute to "contaminate the world" with its values .

Talking about values \u200b\u200bis to take place, without pretense and without mystification.

When it comes to work, the Left says, in a clear and distinct, that the "work value" outweighs the "market value" and that the company's value is directly dependent on the utility and the social quality of work that one gets, not by the profit margins.

When it comes to fiscal policy, the Left has in mind a model of progressive taxation based on real wealth, the income and assets, capable of handling significant processes of redistribution of income and to promote equality between men of fact and law.

When it comes to migrant people, the Left cares about the suffering of the migrant and the need for a real integration, in a spirit of human solidarity and respect for constitutional principles.

When it comes to environmental protection, the Left says it can no longer proceed with the old patterns of "sustainable development" but you have to stop in time and rethink a way of life and a different pattern of development and compatible, before the resource consumption of the Earth reaches the point of no return.

When it comes to school, research and culture, the left says that the school is public. The university, research, culture is the cornerstone principles of a new Italy. To give hope to young people and future work in this country.

unit becomes an inescapable duty, a responsibility imminent, a categorical imperative, here and now.

why the comrades of the Left and Freedom, and Ecology of the PRC Communist Bresso, that since 2008 share the same group the institutional work, pending the maturation of instances unit at national level too, decided to create a local political movement, opened for the constitution of the United Left Bressese ", in order to jointly address issues pertaining to life of our territory and our country.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Veet Why Not On Genital

Hard Labor ... Magnitude

Hello people!
is a bit '.. do not feel that the company seems dead, is not playing much more now (even considering the fact that the drummer is going to take a disability pension due to back pain and various types of accidents. .: D) but smoldering under the ashes so many good ideas.
Everything can be summarized in the following words: DISC NEW! Well
yes, we are being creative. During this month we wrote four new songs from scratch, and Thursday evening will begin recording our new album, starting of course from the run-in pieces, that is what we have done well in recent evenings (Tsunami Festival, Birramania).
What can we say about the record? Much is still developing, there is an idea on the title, an idea on the cover and graphics .... what is known is that it will be a full time (at least 12 songs), and that will be bilingual (Italian and English). The commitment is to be completed by spring 2011, and to use the coming year to bring in local clubs as possible.
Let's hope so!

PS In the meantime, since we are good and good, we've uploaded " Basettology " on Jamendo, and now can be downloaded using the widget to the side, or link to this .
For those who wish, we still provide the beautiful physical copy, and I provide the most aggratiss , with the magnificent cover and a booklet polite.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's The Best Motherboardfor Gaming

Sunday 14.30: BIKE TO SAY NO heliport

Sunday 17
BIKE TO SAY NO heliport

Sunday, October 17 NO Heliport Committee held an event in cycling. Departure will be around 15 from the farm in the North Park. Then the parade of bicycles dirigerĂ verso all municipalities bordering the park.

The battle around the heliport is getting tougher. After an initial phase in which the Committee have together raised awareness of citizenship and collected over 10,000 signatures, it is time to raise the bar and ask for the withdrawal of the Region project. To do that we are beginning to plan a long series of public events of great impact. The battle will be tough, but if we are certain we can do it.

To begin with the right foot is essential to the success of this first event, so we invite you to participate with enthusiasm, even for short stretches of the route, and give the widest possible dissemination of this event.


Below the detailed route: Depart

farmhouse Central Park at 15.00 on the bridge via Clerici park exit via Suzzani.
Milan: via Suzzani - via Arezzo - Piazza S. Giuseppe - return via the bridge park Berbera.
Bresso : Via Villoresi, Via XXV Aprile - Via Milano - Via Roma - via Corridoni.
Cormano : Via Borromeo - via Betrothed - Via Manzoni - Via Clerici - via Garibaldi - Via Veneto - via Liberty Memorial - Via Battisti - via Sauro.
Cusano Milanino : Via Manzoni - Via Matteotti-avenue Cooperation - Via XXV Aprile.
Cinisello : Via XXV Aprile - Via Montesanto - Via Garibaldi - Piazza Gramsci around the square - Via Cavour - Via Mazzini - Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, Via Dante - Via Manzoni - Via Monfalcone - via Gorki - Sandy - by partisans.
Sixth St. John : via S. Denis - via Rovani - Via Milanese - Bridge Viale Fulvio Testi.
Arrival before the comprehensive school center.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Are Full Head Highlights

Oct. 16: ALL TO ROME! Please do not call it confidence

publish the videoappello Luciano Muhlbauer supporting the demonstration called for October 16 in Rome by the FIOM ...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Charcoal Soap Formula

Campania region: Ruggiero promotes the scientific and humanistic research.

VI The Permanent Council Commission, chaired by Regional Councillor PDL, Antonia Ruggiero , approved by a majority, voted against the Councillor of IDV, Anita Hall, the draft law amending the Regional Law 5 / 2002 for the promotion of scientific, technological, humanistic, and economic Legal in Campania. "The bill aims to strengthen regional activities in support of research - said Martusciello - abolishing the three-year time limit of the regional planning and aligning the research projects funded at the regional level indicators quality standards provided by the National University Council. " Among other regulatory changes envisaged by the draft law is also a more central role of the VI Commission, which must be presented for approval the work program prepared by the Regional Council. "The purpose that our bill will pursue - stressed the Ruggiero - is to boost research through regional actions and projects funded by Regione Campania in harmony with the standards of quality specified by the National University Council and in line with plans and projects developed by the national government .

Cameras Inside Uterus

replication of the Regional De Mita editorial "the humiliation of Pompeii," the Corriere della Sera.

On editorial "The humiliation of Pompeii" signed by Sergio Rizzo, appeared this morning in the Corriere della Sera, Mr. Giuseppe De Mita , vice president of the regional council of Campania Regional Councillor with responsibility for Cultural Heritage. "No defense office - said De Mita -. We do not care and it is not our custom. If there are administrative failures, it will discuss non-compliance. But you can not say that Pompeii is humiliated and is an archaeological site abandoned. This confusion of plans to transfer the risk of organizational surveys, yet legitimate, on the ground the importance of the archaeological site and its importance for tourism, with the consequence of suggesting to the court of public opinion that the condition of degradation or affect the usability. Before this is not enough even to mention the data on tourists and to the positive outcome of major events such as "The Moons of Pompeii." If it is true that it won the inattention that sometimes there is against the beauty of the area, especially in Campania, at the same time must be extremely careful that these stresses do not produce more serious damage. " Soon, Giuseppe De Mita will enter into a confrontation with the Ministry of Heritage and Culture and in particular the new superintendent, Jeanette Papadopoulos to discuss about the condition of the archaeological sites of Campania, using an approach, however, to be in perspective, in a positive, proactive and actively. "There to point the finger at someone - concluded Mr - or use the logic of the blame. This would be an approach that would bring no useful result. Applies to Pompeii and applies to every step towards strengthening, enhancing and revitalization of cultural heritage of Campania " .

Friday, October 1, 2010

Solid Mensuration Circle

Paolo Ferrero

Trust. Never has been so mistreated as a speech yesterday (September 29 ed). Political calculation, personal ambition, money, petty corruption. There are many reasons to vote from Berlusconi in parliament but please do not tell us who had the confidence. Not the ladies (so to speak) who voted for various reasons and often resisted, not the country that certainly does not see it more as the savior of his country. Yesterday rappattumato Berlusconi has a majority and thus the government continues, but the problems that led to the opening of the summer crisis were not resolved, not the relationship between rulers and the Southern League's secession, not the relationship between politics and the judiciary, not the political relationship between Berlusconi and Fini.
The vote yesterday is not a point but in passing, that does not change the situation of instability. A shift that is a success not only Fini who resigned as President of the Chamber as Berlusconi demanded in a loud voice, but at this point is an essential component of the majority. A majority of three legs - and not two as they wanted Berlusconi and Bossi - Fini that goes with the building of the party. There is therefore an objective of the modification center that strengthens and weakens Fini Berlusconi.

I have so far spoken of "politique politicienne" because it is quite clear that the contradictions are not right about the status of the country. While the House is discussing the government, Senate approved the Bill on the job which basically abolishes the term of the national labor contract for all new recruits . The measure against which we have done a hunger strike in the spring, at the legislative level is what dictates the Pomigliano represented in terms of contract. In terms of economic and social policies, Fini and Berlusconi have therefore no contradiction.
express the same reactionary policy owner who wants to download the costs of the crisis on the backs of workers in a process of impoverishment of paese.A this point, the center- has no alibi. The goal of expelling this government, which shall remain in office longer and does more damage, has become the main policy initiative. In recent days we have agreed on the desirability of building a democratic front to go to the polls and defeat Berlusconi. This democratic front should begin working immediately with the explicit objective of the ouster of the government. This is crucial for the success of the demonstration on October 16 that it becomes a major demonstration of the people against the government and Confindustria. What are you waiting to join the Democratic Party?