Sunday, October 24, 2010

Homeopathy Treatment For Lpr


Here we present the document signed by the comrades of the Left and Communist Refoundation Ecology and Freedom, which launched the birth of the United Left Bressese . What is proposed is a political project of local, open, and innovative, which aims to give an address unit and leftist policies related to our territory.

The world needs the "Left". In recent years it has taken a body system human and economic relationships more and more focused on manufacturing and the financial logic on a global scale to facilitate the processes of accumulation of income and capital on a few power centers, scaling the legitimate powers of the States and the democratic control, generating new and stubborn inequalities.

A sort of unique thought, insensitive to any attempt at critical appraisal and all, though, mild dissent, has invaded the collective consciousness, inducing inertial attitude of resignation.

Our country, our city, are no exception, although in the social body can be glimpsed and move forces and impulses that still leave hope for "another world possible."

So what?

First you have to start from a principle of reality: in this phase of our history, the Left is culturally minority and must seek a new direction, a new language and a new identity in order to contribute to "contaminate the world" with its values .

Talking about values \u200b\u200bis to take place, without pretense and without mystification.

When it comes to work, the Left says, in a clear and distinct, that the "work value" outweighs the "market value" and that the company's value is directly dependent on the utility and the social quality of work that one gets, not by the profit margins.

When it comes to fiscal policy, the Left has in mind a model of progressive taxation based on real wealth, the income and assets, capable of handling significant processes of redistribution of income and to promote equality between men of fact and law.

When it comes to migrant people, the Left cares about the suffering of the migrant and the need for a real integration, in a spirit of human solidarity and respect for constitutional principles.

When it comes to environmental protection, the Left says it can no longer proceed with the old patterns of "sustainable development" but you have to stop in time and rethink a way of life and a different pattern of development and compatible, before the resource consumption of the Earth reaches the point of no return.

When it comes to school, research and culture, the left says that the school is public. The university, research, culture is the cornerstone principles of a new Italy. To give hope to young people and future work in this country.

unit becomes an inescapable duty, a responsibility imminent, a categorical imperative, here and now.

why the comrades of the Left and Freedom, and Ecology of the PRC Communist Bresso, that since 2008 share the same group the institutional work, pending the maturation of instances unit at national level too, decided to create a local political movement, opened for the constitution of the United Left Bressese ", in order to jointly address issues pertaining to life of our territory and our country.


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