Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cameras Inside Uterus

replication of the Regional De Mita editorial "the humiliation of Pompeii," the Corriere della Sera.

On editorial "The humiliation of Pompeii" signed by Sergio Rizzo, appeared this morning in the Corriere della Sera, Mr. Giuseppe De Mita , vice president of the regional council of Campania Regional Councillor with responsibility for Cultural Heritage. "No defense office - said De Mita -. We do not care and it is not our custom. If there are administrative failures, it will discuss non-compliance. But you can not say that Pompeii is humiliated and is an archaeological site abandoned. This confusion of plans to transfer the risk of organizational surveys, yet legitimate, on the ground the importance of the archaeological site and its importance for tourism, with the consequence of suggesting to the court of public opinion that the condition of degradation or affect the usability. Before this is not enough even to mention the data on tourists and to the positive outcome of major events such as "The Moons of Pompeii." If it is true that it won the inattention that sometimes there is against the beauty of the area, especially in Campania, at the same time must be extremely careful that these stresses do not produce more serious damage. " Soon, Giuseppe De Mita will enter into a confrontation with the Ministry of Heritage and Culture and in particular the new superintendent, Jeanette Papadopoulos to discuss about the condition of the archaeological sites of Campania, using an approach, however, to be in perspective, in a positive, proactive and actively. "There to point the finger at someone - concluded Mr - or use the logic of the blame. This would be an approach that would bring no useful result. Applies to Pompeii and applies to every step towards strengthening, enhancing and revitalization of cultural heritage of Campania " .


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