Thursday, October 7, 2010

Charcoal Soap Formula

Campania region: Ruggiero promotes the scientific and humanistic research.

VI The Permanent Council Commission, chaired by Regional Councillor PDL, Antonia Ruggiero , approved by a majority, voted against the Councillor of IDV, Anita Hall, the draft law amending the Regional Law 5 / 2002 for the promotion of scientific, technological, humanistic, and economic Legal in Campania. "The bill aims to strengthen regional activities in support of research - said Martusciello - abolishing the three-year time limit of the regional planning and aligning the research projects funded at the regional level indicators quality standards provided by the National University Council. " Among other regulatory changes envisaged by the draft law is also a more central role of the VI Commission, which must be presented for approval the work program prepared by the Regional Council. "The purpose that our bill will pursue - stressed the Ruggiero - is to boost research through regional actions and projects funded by Regione Campania in harmony with the standards of quality specified by the National University Council and in line with plans and projects developed by the national government .


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