Monday, February 28, 2011

Holly Willoughby Cake

full solidarity 'THE LIBYAN PEOPLE, NO MILITARY MISSIONS A neo-imperialist

Odg National Leadership PRC


The Communist Party of the PRC strongly condemns the attempt to suppress the legitimate aspiration of blood in the Libyan people to freedom and social justice. Considers necessary to work to stop the massacre and to provide all humanitarian aid to the population by ensuring the protection of political asylum to deserters and refugees. Considers it intolerable that the political debate in Italy to focus on the "danger" to waves of immigration to our shores. He denounces the attitude of the Italian government an accomplice whose only concern seems to be to restore a regime in Libya to pursue a policy of expulsions of immigrants to date guaranteed, often in violation of the most basic human rights by the Gaddafi regime. It calls for the opening of an investigation on the trafficking of weapons in recent years Italian triangulated the Libyan regime, weapons that in these hours are used to suppress popular demonstrations. Considers unacceptable the press campaign aims to encourage and justify external military intervention. It would be yet another tragedy on the skin of the Libyan people. In no way a military intervention led by NATO, the U.S. or former colonial powers such as Europe, but would represent only a humanitarian effort to re-colonization and occupation. The real objective of the military would use the current conflict as a pretext to put their hands in Libya's oil and gas in that country, reviving imperialist policies. This is a cynical calculation and therefore unacceptable. Communist Refoundation most clearly oppose any attempt to justify new wars and adventures military. Our support goes to Libya a united, independent, republican and democratic alternative to single projects division and balkanization that would make easy prey to the greed of multinational corporations and foreign powers. The national leadership of the PRC undertakes its central and local facilities in the country to grow a strong movement of solidarity with the Libyan people and all peoples of the Arab world in revolt.

Rome, February 25, 2010


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