Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nutritional Value Of Take Away Chicken Chow Mein

The issue, Philip Roth (Einaudi)

Write the eulogy for his brother is a terrible thing, even for a writer the caliber of Nathan Zuckerman. The loss should be added to other painful conditions, such as the dispute that led the brothers to speak no more, and especially the fact that Zuckerman is the only one to know the true causes of the death of his brother Henry. Stupid, reckless, idiot younger brother, said dentist and loving father, he ended up going out of head to his young and comely assistant to the chair. So far, nothing bad, imagine if a writer with a libertine life as Nathan Zuckerman could blame his brother, always so strict and serious, for an innocent extra-marital adventure. But Henry, as a result of which was to take powerful drugs for heart problems, hath been found ineffective in 39 years, just as his young assistant was rekindled in him the fires of erotic passion. From there the decision to undergo surgery, or unnecessary, that would free him from drugs and, instead, led to the death. Now Nathan is devastated by guilt for having supported the vitality of his brother and not have it deterred by the crowds about her undergoing surgery.
few weeks after the operation Henry has fallen into a state of deep depression and, during the slow recovery has called into question his life and decided to reclaim their Jewish roots. So he quit his job, family, and the United States, to move to Israel, study Hebrew and living in a remote settlement in the desert. Will once again be the older brother Nathan, torn between admiration and contempt fine, to go to Henry to try to understand his reasons ...
Divided into five parts, the controversial novel that surprises and, as only great literature can do, mena the nose is also the most experienced player. That's great, when a writer manages to deceive, to make us believe that is leading us in a specific direction, and then we are left open-mouthed in front of a landscape totally unexpected! Yes, because Roth assembled a narrative gimmick that the plot of novel, like a perfect machine interlocking, constantly changing perspective and the painful existential vicissitudes of Henry, in fact, become those of his elder brother, alternating between narrative and counter-narrative. Beware, though: The issue is not should not be interpreted as a "simple", as articulated literary game, unlike a novel is dense with meaning and deep thoughts - not only on the power of literature and the mystification of writing - but also on issues far more concrete such as the Jewish question, the identity, sex, family ties.
writer Philip Roth is a supremely capable of crafting words and make it so fast is incomparable descriptions articulated thoughts on world and humanity. The excellent translation of the Italian does not miss any of these characteristics.
Einaudi has filled a void, letting out Italy in the last book written by Roth in 1986. Once again the protagonist is the alter ego of the American writer, Nathan Zuckerman, already in many other novels beginning with The Ghost Writer, 1974, in which the young Zuckerman makes his first appearance until the most recent Phantom leaves the scene (2008) in which a now elderly Zucherman comes to terms with the great themes of life, such as sickness and death.
Nathan Zuckerman has become almost an author himself, even enough to finish a novel by Salman Rushdie in The Ground Beneath her feet, not surprisingly set in the world of literary alter ego. Among Pirandello, Kierkegaard, Kafka and the more enlightened American literary tradition, the issue and a book to be missed.


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