Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Colour Goes With White Bedroom Furniture?

The City of poverty

click to read the article from Day

Accomplice crisis

For the first time the council Bresso formalized between the Social Services, the Association of San Vincenzo, Caritas and the Movement for the life of a memorandum of understanding that materialize a model of synergistic action that will allow the sharing of projects through the "network" between the public and subject Operan in the third sector.

What is this?
The three associations are covered by Protocol parties involved in the territory for people in need or need through the giving of financial assistance Accomplice, in fact the crisis, we realized that to cope with the continuous increase in requests for help from their families, and
in this case when it comes to families s' intends also to those made by one person, was absolutely necessary to practice the sharing of all information held by each, to distribute more equitably the resources of the institutions involved.

fact, other than an overlapping economic measures on individual subjects, which so far have turned to more institutions, it is also turn on "projects" to help find solutions to remove the causes (economic, psychological, cultural, environmental and social) that caused the state of need and consequently exclusion.

respecting the autonomy of signatory associations that continue to operate on the basis of the objectives laid down by their statutes, but that will bring the various models of intervention to deal with the goal of compact answer to the "new poverty"


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