Saturday, December 26, 2009

Removing Transition Lenses

Chronicle of a stage last night in music

At 17 I started playing the guitar.
And when I move my fingers on the handle of rosewood front of an audience, I never fun as last night.
A great evening of December 25 that the C: Lounge, shared with two other great bands. The "De Sverzaux" and Wallace and the Generous "
-Soundcheck at 17.30.
Explosion-amp fuse in the head at 18:00. Good start. Will help me Henry, singer and guitarist De Sverzaux, the diagnosis is correct. € 1 in damages, perhaps, but the head is useless. He will use his. Soundcheck guitars to be redone.
-Pizza and beer at about 21:00. EBRA is toast in Wallace and good cheer with Julius, a formidable Generous of the guitar.
completed their check will also join the Sverzoni, develop stomachs and livers processes and tools rest in the legs.
-starts at 22:30 to get the audience. Become unexpectedly large, Wallace welcomes it and takes the stage.
the show begins. From here on, only music, energy, applause and fun.

I repeat. The best Christmas past as a musician.

Ps thanks to sOpporters , and more and a special thanks to Hunter for his shots.

From Xmas T (h) ree
From Xmas T (h) ree
From Xmas T (h) ree
From Xmas T ( h) ree
From Xmas T (h) ree

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Uvula Is Red And Sore Is It Gonorrhea

And here for the last leg of the 2009 .. There you will find
Arzilli the C-Lounge (Lu leaf area) along with two other great bands to celebrate Christmas to the sound of Rock .. Do not miss the
then "Xmas T (h) ree" .. There will be us, there will be Wallace and his band and de Sverzaux.

December 25, 2009 21:00
I recommend it. Loads and little panettone.
What with the beer goes down.

From The Sideburns' Company - official blog site

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

White Specks In Cat Poop

Presentation of the book: "Nostalgia of Beauty" by Maurizio Cimino, 19 December '09, Provincial Library of Benevento (BN).

On 19 of the month at the Provincial Library in Benevento, there will be a presentation of the book "Nostalgia of Beauty: Marian images in Benevento " by Maurizio Cimino , professor of art history, edited by Editions Nathan in collaboration with the ' Archdiocese of the city, the Department of Culture of the Province of Benevento , the contribution of Bank of Campania and patronage EPT Benevento . The book, as he explains, contains the analysis of twenty-two works of art in churches and Benevento depicting the Virgin Mary. The book is an opportunity to investigate the many facets of the extraordinary and profound sacred figure. The starting point is the Romanesque Bronze Door of the Cathedral , through the age orsiniana, until the twentieth century stained glass Giuseppe Antonello Leone, in the chapel of the cathedral. The book comes with more than thirty reproductions of icons photographed by Luigi Mastromarino, an archaeologist and art photographer. The book will open a photographic exhibition will be open to the public until January 6. Together, author and photographer of this interesting book will be: Salerno Agnes, editorial director Natan Books; Mgr. Andrea Mugione , archbishop of Benevento; Mario Iadanza , vicar for Culture and the Cultural Heritage of the Archdiocese of Benevento, Charles Falato Provincial Councillor for Culture, John La Motta, chief EPT Benevento Francesco Fornaro, CEO Bank of Campania.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Astra Diesel Isuzu Fuel Pump

Live @ Muprhy's Pub

From The Sideburns' Company - official blog site

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gta 4 Run On Radeon 9000 Family

IIIa Edition "Festival of the Book, 10-12 Dec. 09 - San Jose (NA).

kicks off the IIIa edition of "Festival of the Book of Scripture and " , conceived and directed by journalist Marzio Half . From December 10 to 12 in the town of Vesuvius, to complete a full calendar of meetings, debates and workshops, large and small Italian publishing houses will exhibit the best of their production this year and many new products from distribution in January 2010. Several authors present their books and discuss current affairs, culture and current events for the consecration of reading. Numerous influential journalists on the national scene. The event, which enjoys the patronage of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Association of Journalists, the Province of Naples, Fondazione Banco Napoli childcare, will see this year's introduzone Festival Award that will be assigned to six authors of several narrative genres. To open the Festival, at 17 Thursday, December 10, the President of the Province of Naples Luigi Cesaro and Councilor John Giugliano . The presentation of the book "A mission of love in Togo and Debate" Padre Pio , books and testimonies "moderated by journalist Donald Faiella. Speakers: the writer and essayist Carmine Montella, the Councillor for Culture of the City of Pietrelcina Ennio Graziano, the mayor of Pietrelcina Gennaro Fusco, Francesco Scaramuzzi father , Guglielmo Alimonti father, father Eusebio Night and the Bishop of the Diocese of Nola, Bishop Benjamin De Palma . The first day of the Festival will end at 21, with the spectacle of showmanship Neapolitan Massimo Cannizzaro , author of "Neapolitans is born ... or almost." The entertainer will range from classical to traditional Neapolitan cabaret fun group games that involve the public. On Friday, the Festival will open at 10 am with " the path of writing" that will make the guys from the Liceo Scientifico in Agropoli. First step: meeting with Marcello D'Orta . The author of "I s perish me that the cable " dialogues with the young creators of the "Infinite Novel", a project started last April by some classes of the school with which readers of a novel (basically infinity) improvise its own creators. While the school of Vesuvius will run through the stands, teachers, historians and students of the area has published the Proceedings for the Vesuvius Observatory on Culture. At 13, including typical Neapolitan dishes and genuine products of local campaigns, there is a "Buffet ... Copyright . The chairman of the Journalists of Campania Ottavio Lucarelli meet Cristina Zagaria , affirmed journalist and author of the novel why not. " Will moderate the debate, the journalist Francesca Pellino . Zagaria, who has participated in several literary events in recent months, including the Pisa Book Festival, is gaining considerable acclaim thanks to the peculiarities of writing and the topics of much current "Why not." At day 15, activities will move the large gazebo in the adjacent building of the Municipality of San Giuseppe Vesuviano: in the Council Chamber, journalist Renato Horse interview the award-winning writer and journalist Oliviero Beha . Author of plays, numerous essays and collections of poems, published in the current Beha " The new monsters" (Chiarelettere 2009) and "terminal Eros" (Garzanti 2009). Meanwhile, in the Gazebo of the Festival, the journalist Joseph Picciano will lead to the first part of the writing workshop entitled "Writing for information. How to tell the news respecting the codes of information. A very young star for the sixth match of the day on Friday 11 the sixteen Emanuele Cerullo, author of poetry for seven years and close to debut in bookstores. The publication of his work will be made official its during the Festival (Architesto Publishing Group). Emanuele meet the general public together with the Regional Education Director Alberto Bottino, ACLI President Pasquale Naples and Orlando Linda Genovese . Commissioner of the Fondazione Banco di Napoli for childcare. Last round of the day, the awards ceremony which will begin at 19. An absolute novelty of this third edition of the "Prize Festival, which redeems the smaller publishing houses through a recognition awarded by the Scientific Committee of the Festival to six authors of several narrative genres. News / Survey , S port , Fiction , Noir / Yellow , S agios / News , G oung / Emerging categories are selected for appointment. The festival will close the program of events with journalist Mimmo Liguoro and an evening jazz.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gallon Of Milk A Day Women

"I, Gilda, including Sense and Sensibility "by Vico Equense in Rome.

Next tour stop: Teatro Eliseo in Rome. After the success in the Sorrento peninsula, the young actress Gilda Arpino goes beyond the borders of Campania. The event is scheduled for Dec. 19, at 21, with "I , Gilda, between reason and feeling . 'S the representation of a path that starts from a dream of a little girl growing up cultivated his aspirations and intertwined with the emotions of his life. The result is a patchwork of experiences and told through dance, singing and acting. It 'a show written, directed and starring Gilda Arpino, with the participation of Francesco Cuomo . Ambition, determination and professionalism are traits that distinguish the artist, only twenty-four originally from Vico Equense, determined to bring his show around Italy. " It 's the fourth time that I carry in my recital scene - said the young actress - but each time is an emotion different and will now be even greater. Performing on a stage as prestigious for me is a great and exciting challenge . The stage is Elysée dye in many colors and many facets: from intimate scene of simple feelings and newspapers, will eventually accommodate the cornerstones of our culture, starting from drama "The Trojan Women" by Euripides , passing through some of the masterpieces of the Neapolitan theater, up to the fifth canto of Dante's Inferno, a pillar of Italian literary culture. Contribute to enrich this language phrasebook musical moments and dances, indelible signs of human life and art of the protagonist.

New Tv Programmes Proposal Sample

Event "The Fable of Orpheus and Eurydice," Caves Castelcivita (SA).

With his personal antics, the director Domenico Corrado Maria , after creating " Dante's Inferno in the caves in Perth " (120,000 viewers in 220 performances, even on stage until June 2011) and "The Last Night Herculaneum, has launched this exciting new adventure and adrenaline-filled theatrical-literary, adapting to the extraordinary, unique and mesmerizing scenery of caves Castelcivita in the province of Salerno, this exciting mythological tale. The tale of Orpheus and Eurydice is the most exciting love story ever leaving the imagination and writing of the greatest authors of all time, and there is a better place in the world of caves Castelcivita to be able to offer the traveling public in a form where the viewer becomes, due to the magic of the place that hosts the piece, a novel Orpheus through Hades in search of his one true love. A "show" that is not only and simply a show. It is an instrument of tourism, educational and cultural experience that can captivate students, tourists or just a spectator with a long-standing formula of which the director Dominic M. Conrad can be called a master. A formula that combines the mythological aspect of the story to the charm of the place, which merges wisely music and beautiful singing to a modern language and understandable to amalgamating very special lighting effects and multimedia video projections, moving the viewer experience unique and absolute. All played, sang, danced and mimed by actors in a superlative for about five years following their enthusiastic "director" in these forays into classic literature, including: Pina Giarmanà, Enzo Varone, Ciro Zangaro, Salvatore Mazza, Floriana De Martino, Mariangela Vessicchio, John Allocca, Jury Monaco, John Grenadine, Emanuele Exempted. The whole show, passing along a route of about one kilometer, which is characterized by the succession of large cavities adorned groups of imposing stalactite-and stalagmite concretions extraordinary morphologies that almost completely cover the ground.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Is Dry Mucus Means I Am Pregnant

Program "Christmas 2009" in Vico Equense (NA).

to illuminate the Christmas 2009 will be the stars of Vico Equense, not just those of the firmament. This year's calendar of Christmas events organized by the Tourism of the City is dedicated to the great local chefs whose talent has been consecrated by Michelin 2 010: Gennaro Esposito ("Torre del Saracino") Peppe Guide ("Old Osteria Nonna Rosa "), Michael Deleo (" The Next "Grand Hotel Angiolieri) and Danilo Di Vuolo (" Maxi "Hotel Capo La Gala). The municipal administration has decided to congratulate them using a formula entirely original will, in fact, the testimonials of Christmas 2009. The entire program will bring back to them in every aspect, from graphic design to the lights. Vico Equense is covered with stars to remind the chef and his excellent restaurants. A begin the program of events will be "Christmas in the Village " which provides a series of initiatives on days 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 30 December at the Bishop's district, including the crib exhibition at the former Cathedral of the Annunciation, Christmas concert, the tasting of typical products accompanied by sounds and songs belonging to popular tradition. Awaited from the smallest of the traditional appointment with the Father Born , at which, on December 24, Piazza Marconi will become the Santa Claus Village with creative workshops, performances, jugglers and the inevitable encounter with the man loved by children around the world. New for 2009 is the arrival of the Befana, scheduled for Jan. 3. There will, of course the music. On December 28 at the former Cathedral of the Holy Annunciation concert will be held by Bruno Canino and Symphony Orchestra Dnepropetrov'k and is scheduled for Jan. 4 concert by Francesco Manara and the Kiev Chamber Orchestra at the Church of Saints Cyrus and John. The pride of the entire program is the Christmas date with the live nativity. At the village of San Salvador will be able to "live" nativity scene in the days: 26, 27, 28, 29 December and 1.2 in January, from 18.00 to 21.00; in Moiano, instead, on 25, 26 27 December and 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 January, from 18.00 to 21.30. As always, we will celebrate the new year in music with the boys in the New Age and the arrival of the Magi with the procession of Pacchianelle. There will, of course, concerts in the various parishes of the territory, cribs, theater and lots of fun. "Valuing beautiful places that mark our territory and to emphasize to people that their work gave more glory to our city - Five states Gennaro , Mayor of Vico Equense - is a major objectives of the Christmas program this year. Therefore we are pleased with our Michelin-starred chefs to the success and thank them for the prestige given to Vico Equense through their work and awards .

Monday, December 7, 2009

Empty Frames Lyrics And Chordsmusic

"Back to Baroque: from Caravaggio to Vanvitelli, 12 December '09 - April 11, 2010, Naples.

Back to Baroque is a large exhibition, curated by Nicola Spinosa , which includes six thematic exhibitions in many museums in Naples - Capodimonte Museum , Castel S. Elmo, Museo Certosa di San Martino, Museo Duca di Martina, Pignatelli Museum, Royal Palace - and involves the entire city and the region with 51 routes baroque in places such as churches, monasteries, collegiate churches, palaces and regional museums. Back to Baroque is a fascinating journey of history and art from Caravaggio to Francesco Solimena and later exponents of the last season of the Neapolitan Baroque. The six exhibitions that make up the main path back to present to the public Baroque paintings, drawings, sculptures, furniture, jewelry, textiles, ceramics and porcelain from private collections and Italian and foreign museums, over 500 works - mostly unpublished or recently restored - are distributed across the many different aspects represented by the artistic production of one hundred and fifty years of development and dissemination of this figurative language and culture. The event is under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic under the patronage of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Heritage and Culture and the Presidency of the Council of the Regione Campania.

Treadmill On Upstairs Floor

Event Exhibition "Terrafelix", 4-8 December '09 - Show D'Oltremare Napoli.

The Regional Department of Agriculture of the Campania Region is working with a complex program of promotion of the entire agricultural sector. This is a work started in July '09 with a series of preliminary steps, but that by January 2010 will find practical application through the creation of events and the production of information material, media and promotion. All with a level of penetration in all markets, from regional to national up to international markets. The primary objective of the program is to facilitate market access to all major production quality of the food of Campania, highlighting the existence of numerous marks of origin affecting the same production, the activities of companies and consortia of producers and processors, the link between products and reference areas, and last but not least important factor, traceability and ensuring maximum control of food safety. Terrafelix , will be held from 4 to 8 December 2009 in Naples, in the Mostra d'Oltremare. This is a great promotional event and exhibition, aim: to present to professionals and the general public the excellence of the agricultural sector in Campania, and promote awareness among consumers of the heritage of Campania tastes and knowledge that distinguishes the typical regional food and wine sector, and promote traditional products, biological and eco-friendly from businesses farm bells, create opportunities for business meetings for farmers with specialized foreign; realization of training courses and information in order to raise awareness of the excellent food bells.

For more information and a complete program, visit the website: . Terra Felix is \u200b\u200ba website dedicated entirely to the promotion of agro-food system they live, understood as a mix of high quality products and history and culture of the areas where they are growing or are being worked. The site offers visitors a complete overview of the most precious treasures enogastronomy bell, divided by type, but also for spatial derivation, by splitting the region into 10 "areas of industry."