Friday, December 11, 2009

New Tv Programmes Proposal Sample

Event "The Fable of Orpheus and Eurydice," Caves Castelcivita (SA).

With his personal antics, the director Domenico Corrado Maria , after creating " Dante's Inferno in the caves in Perth " (120,000 viewers in 220 performances, even on stage until June 2011) and "The Last Night Herculaneum, has launched this exciting new adventure and adrenaline-filled theatrical-literary, adapting to the extraordinary, unique and mesmerizing scenery of caves Castelcivita in the province of Salerno, this exciting mythological tale. The tale of Orpheus and Eurydice is the most exciting love story ever leaving the imagination and writing of the greatest authors of all time, and there is a better place in the world of caves Castelcivita to be able to offer the traveling public in a form where the viewer becomes, due to the magic of the place that hosts the piece, a novel Orpheus through Hades in search of his one true love. A "show" that is not only and simply a show. It is an instrument of tourism, educational and cultural experience that can captivate students, tourists or just a spectator with a long-standing formula of which the director Dominic M. Conrad can be called a master. A formula that combines the mythological aspect of the story to the charm of the place, which merges wisely music and beautiful singing to a modern language and understandable to amalgamating very special lighting effects and multimedia video projections, moving the viewer experience unique and absolute. All played, sang, danced and mimed by actors in a superlative for about five years following their enthusiastic "director" in these forays into classic literature, including: Pina Giarmanà, Enzo Varone, Ciro Zangaro, Salvatore Mazza, Floriana De Martino, Mariangela Vessicchio, John Allocca, Jury Monaco, John Grenadine, Emanuele Exempted. The whole show, passing along a route of about one kilometer, which is characterized by the succession of large cavities adorned groups of imposing stalactite-and stalagmite concretions extraordinary morphologies that almost completely cover the ground.



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