Wednesday, December 16, 2009

White Specks In Cat Poop

Presentation of the book: "Nostalgia of Beauty" by Maurizio Cimino, 19 December '09, Provincial Library of Benevento (BN).

On 19 of the month at the Provincial Library in Benevento, there will be a presentation of the book "Nostalgia of Beauty: Marian images in Benevento " by Maurizio Cimino , professor of art history, edited by Editions Nathan in collaboration with the ' Archdiocese of the city, the Department of Culture of the Province of Benevento , the contribution of Bank of Campania and patronage EPT Benevento . The book, as he explains, contains the analysis of twenty-two works of art in churches and Benevento depicting the Virgin Mary. The book is an opportunity to investigate the many facets of the extraordinary and profound sacred figure. The starting point is the Romanesque Bronze Door of the Cathedral , through the age orsiniana, until the twentieth century stained glass Giuseppe Antonello Leone, in the chapel of the cathedral. The book comes with more than thirty reproductions of icons photographed by Luigi Mastromarino, an archaeologist and art photographer. The book will open a photographic exhibition will be open to the public until January 6. Together, author and photographer of this interesting book will be: Salerno Agnes, editorial director Natan Books; Mgr. Andrea Mugione , archbishop of Benevento; Mario Iadanza , vicar for Culture and the Cultural Heritage of the Archdiocese of Benevento, Charles Falato Provincial Councillor for Culture, John La Motta, chief EPT Benevento Francesco Fornaro, CEO Bank of Campania.


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