Friday, December 11, 2009

Gallon Of Milk A Day Women

"I, Gilda, including Sense and Sensibility "by Vico Equense in Rome.

Next tour stop: Teatro Eliseo in Rome. After the success in the Sorrento peninsula, the young actress Gilda Arpino goes beyond the borders of Campania. The event is scheduled for Dec. 19, at 21, with "I , Gilda, between reason and feeling . 'S the representation of a path that starts from a dream of a little girl growing up cultivated his aspirations and intertwined with the emotions of his life. The result is a patchwork of experiences and told through dance, singing and acting. It 'a show written, directed and starring Gilda Arpino, with the participation of Francesco Cuomo . Ambition, determination and professionalism are traits that distinguish the artist, only twenty-four originally from Vico Equense, determined to bring his show around Italy. " It 's the fourth time that I carry in my recital scene - said the young actress - but each time is an emotion different and will now be even greater. Performing on a stage as prestigious for me is a great and exciting challenge . The stage is Elysée dye in many colors and many facets: from intimate scene of simple feelings and newspapers, will eventually accommodate the cornerstones of our culture, starting from drama "The Trojan Women" by Euripides , passing through some of the masterpieces of the Neapolitan theater, up to the fifth canto of Dante's Inferno, a pillar of Italian literary culture. Contribute to enrich this language phrasebook musical moments and dances, indelible signs of human life and art of the protagonist.


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